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Fomento à formação de recursos humanos em Geofísica por meio da criação do PRH-PB 226

Fomento à formação de recursos humanos em Geofísica por meio da criação do PRH-PB 226 O convênio que aportará recursos para a criação do PRH-PB 226 com o objetivo formar pessoal altamente qualificado (mestres e doutores) em área específica da Geofísica Aplicada. Trata-se de uma iniciativa de longo prazo, que será conduzida de forma articulada com projetos de P&D para criação de um ambiente diferenciado. O objetivo principal é consolidar a cultura do tratamento do problema geofísico em múltiplas escalas, conduzido de forma coerente em forma de fluxos de trabalho compreendendo dados de rocha, poço e superfície. Para tal, [...]

Fomento à formação de recursos humanos em Geofísica por meio da criação do PRH-PB 2262020-01-22T12:37:57-03:00

L1 norm inversion method for deconvolution in attenuating media

L1 norm inversion method for deconvolution in attenuating media Revista: Geophysical Prospecting, 2013, 61, 771–777Abstract: In order to perform a good pulse compression, the conventional spike deconvolution method requires that the wavelet is stationary. However, this requirement is never reached since the seismic wave always suffers high-frequency attenuation and dispersion as it propagates in real materials. Due to this issue, the data need to pass through some kind of inverse-Q filter. Most methods attempt to correct the attenuation effect by applying greater gains for high-frequency components of the signal. The problem with this procedure is that it generally boosts high-frequency noise. In [...]

L1 norm inversion method for deconvolution in attenuating media2018-12-20T20:41:56-02:00

High-resolution gathers by inverse Q filtering in the wavelet domain

High-resolution gathers by inverse Q filtering in the wavelet domain Geophysics, 2013, 78, V53-V61. Abstract: We have developed and applied an inverse Q filter formulation using the continuous wavelet transform (CWT), which provides a natural domain for time-variant operations, such as compensation for propagation in attenuating and dispersive media. The well-known linear attenuation model, given as a function of time and frequency, was applied very efficiently over wavelet coefficients in the time-frequency domain to correct for amplitude and phase distortions, as necessary. The inverse CWT yields the recovered trace with a broader bandwidth. The process works on a trace-by-trace [...]

High-resolution gathers by inverse Q filtering in the wavelet domain2018-12-20T02:15:25-02:00

Mapping fluid distribution in a pinch-out reservoir model: A physical modeling study

Mapping fluid distribution in a pinch-out reservoir model: A physical modeling study Journal of Applied Geophysics Abstract: This work shows the results obtained from seismic physical modeling experiments that image the non-homogeneous, two-phase distribution of immiscible fluids inside a cavity in a pinch-out model. The main goal of this study was to verify how the seismic sections can be used to observe the fluid distribution in this type of reservoir. A high-resolution deconvolution method was applied to improve the images resolution and depth migration correctly positioned the events. Instantaneous attributes were used to assist data interpretation. The results [...]

Mapping fluid distribution in a pinch-out reservoir model: A physical modeling study2018-12-20T02:07:42-02:00

Inversão bayesiana de AVO aplicada à exploração e ao desenvolvimento de reservatório

Inversão bayesiana de AVO aplicada à exploração e ao desenvolvimento de reservatório Este projeto representa a 3ª fase de pesquisa e desenvolvimento em inversão bayesiana de AVO petrofísicas de reservatório, comtemplando os seguinte pontos: Pré-condicionamento sísmico para inversão de AVO; Inversão de AVO; Sísmica 4 D; Física de rocha; Sísmica multicomponente

Inversão bayesiana de AVO aplicada à exploração e ao desenvolvimento de reservatório2020-01-22T12:11:20-03:00
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